What is the Church?
This page will provide information on thinking critically.
The most important decision you will make in your life is where you will spend eternity. Please visit the Whosoever Will page to learn more about Salvation in Christ Jesus.
Whatever version of the Bible you use the Vine's Expository Dictionary is a great resouce for understanding words that have been misinterpreted from the original manuscripts.
What is the CHURCH? is a very short free book that I wrote on the state of our country wondering from the Biblical Church. Please check back on occasion and download the latest version as I will possibly add more content or I may have found a typo.
While I provide some great content below ALWAYS put your faith in Jesus and not man. Always filter what people say through the Bible.
Servus Christi Ministries exposes false teachers and why there are many religious organizations that are NOT the Biblical Church.
Servus Christi Ministries provides some great resources:
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
House-church is a great resource to really understand what the Biblical Church really is. The 3 part video series below provides sound Biblical teaching that unfortunately is not taught in the USA today. I would highly recommend researching the House-church website.
Also from House-church is a great 5 part video series below "Embracing Biblical Truth Biblically: A Challenge to the Error of Mere Doctrinalism!" that I highly recommend watching as well to grow in your Spiritual Journey.
The following video The Case For Christ is presented by Lee Stroble. Visit his website to learn more about Lee and his journey from an athiest to believing in Jesus as his Savior.
Biblical Preparedness in the End Times is presented by Jaime Walden. He asks some compelling questions such as are you preparing for yourself or others? Why do we want to spend one more minute on this earth than we have to when as a Believer we will enter eternal rest with our Heavenly Father? Are we preparing as God instructs us in the Bible? Learn more about Jaime Walden.
When it comes to the End Times I believe some people equate that to the immediate return of Jesus to take back to heaven those of us that believe in Jesus as our Savior. There were many times in history when terrible things happened and people thought the return of Jesus was imminent, for example the disciples witnessed the horrible torture and death of Jesus and they thought Jesus would return in there lifetime after Jesus's resurrection and assension to heaven.
My personal belief is since the death and resurrection of Jesus started the End Times but we must always be prepared AND ALWAYS remember Matthew 24:36:
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the Angels of heaven, but my father only."
We also have to understand what time means to God and that He wants no one to perish even though unfortunately when anyone rejects Jesus as their Savior they perish 2 Peter 3:8-9:
8 Dearly beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 The Lord of that promise is not slack (as some men count slackness) but is patient toward us, and would have no man to perish, but would all men to come to repentance.
The Battle For Our Identity, Know Your God, Know Yourself is an audio interview with Jamie Walden that provides insight into seeking our Heavenly Father.
Jeff Allen is a Christian comedian and provides a great testimony. Jeff shares how Jesus can give meaning and purpose to any person.
I would truly value anyone's feedback on the book so please email me at [email protected] to share your thoughts.
The most important decision you will make in your life is where you will spend eternity. Please visit the Whosoever Will page to learn more about Salvation in Christ Jesus.
Whatever version of the Bible you use the Vine's Expository Dictionary is a great resouce for understanding words that have been misinterpreted from the original manuscripts.
What is the CHURCH? is a very short free book that I wrote on the state of our country wondering from the Biblical Church. Please check back on occasion and download the latest version as I will possibly add more content or I may have found a typo.
While I provide some great content below ALWAYS put your faith in Jesus and not man. Always filter what people say through the Bible.
Servus Christi Ministries exposes false teachers and why there are many religious organizations that are NOT the Biblical Church.
Servus Christi Ministries provides some great resources:
- The rise and progress of religion in the soul written by Philip Doddridge.
- The False - Church System - Deception video below provides great insight into the perverion of what God states as the Church in the Bible.
- How The Megachurch Destroyed Christianity video below shares the deception in the "megachurches" today that do not follow the instruction of Jesus in John 14:15. The "megachurch" is NOT what the Bible clearly states the Church is.
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
House-church is a great resource to really understand what the Biblical Church really is. The 3 part video series below provides sound Biblical teaching that unfortunately is not taught in the USA today. I would highly recommend researching the House-church website.
Also from House-church is a great 5 part video series below "Embracing Biblical Truth Biblically: A Challenge to the Error of Mere Doctrinalism!" that I highly recommend watching as well to grow in your Spiritual Journey.
The following video The Case For Christ is presented by Lee Stroble. Visit his website to learn more about Lee and his journey from an athiest to believing in Jesus as his Savior.
Biblical Preparedness in the End Times is presented by Jaime Walden. He asks some compelling questions such as are you preparing for yourself or others? Why do we want to spend one more minute on this earth than we have to when as a Believer we will enter eternal rest with our Heavenly Father? Are we preparing as God instructs us in the Bible? Learn more about Jaime Walden.
When it comes to the End Times I believe some people equate that to the immediate return of Jesus to take back to heaven those of us that believe in Jesus as our Savior. There were many times in history when terrible things happened and people thought the return of Jesus was imminent, for example the disciples witnessed the horrible torture and death of Jesus and they thought Jesus would return in there lifetime after Jesus's resurrection and assension to heaven.
My personal belief is since the death and resurrection of Jesus started the End Times but we must always be prepared AND ALWAYS remember Matthew 24:36:
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the Angels of heaven, but my father only."
We also have to understand what time means to God and that He wants no one to perish even though unfortunately when anyone rejects Jesus as their Savior they perish 2 Peter 3:8-9:
8 Dearly beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 The Lord of that promise is not slack (as some men count slackness) but is patient toward us, and would have no man to perish, but would all men to come to repentance.
The Battle For Our Identity, Know Your God, Know Yourself is an audio interview with Jamie Walden that provides insight into seeking our Heavenly Father.
Jeff Allen is a Christian comedian and provides a great testimony. Jeff shares how Jesus can give meaning and purpose to any person.
I would truly value anyone's feedback on the book so please email me at [email protected] to share your thoughts.